Well, here we go.
What Mythological Creature Are You?
What Inuyasha Character are you?
What Inuyasha Character are you?
What Inuyasha
Villain Are You?
Best Inuyasha Partner Test by Umi
You are TENJOU UTENA You prize nobility
above all else, striving to be reunited with your prince. Apart from this, you treasure your friendships most of all. Unwilling
to compromise your values in search of your dreams, you often seem to create more trouble than solve it. However, your persistence
is what sets you apart from all others.
What Magic Girl Are You?
You're most like the eternally lost boy.
Well, let's hope you don't do much too far away from the house. You're a nice, loyal guy, but
you could find your way out of a paper bag. You have high respect for women, especially one in particular, and you can...turn
into a pig?
You are Edward Wong Hau Pepelu Tivrusky the Fourth A
strange and fun loving kid. You are an expert computer hacker and have all the really important, meaningful dialog in the
series :).
What Cowboy Bebop Character Are You?
Isn't Magic Great!?
You're like Jinno from the TV anime series,
Magic Users Club. You aren't evil, you're just playful. You wanna do the most that you
can in life, and enjoy every last second to the fullest. You see rules are just annoying things to be overcome. People sometimes
worry about you, or find you as a bad example...but to be honest, you're just misunderstood.
What Anime Villian Are You?
You're an independent, don't-take-crap-from-anyone type of girl. You're pretty self-centered,
and less able to take care of yourself then you think you are. You have a good heart...just try to use it.
What Anime Cliche Are You?
What Faerie Are You?
What Lion King Character Are You?
What Letter of the Alphabet Are You?
You're Belle!
You are a true bookworm and dream of a life better than the
simple, quiet one you lead now. Your good looks can attract the town jerks, but you manage to ignore them most of the time.
Sometimes you feel like you're surrounded by idiots. So what are you waiting for? You don't need your father to be kidnapped
to get out and see the world. Although you can be stubborn, you're also very compassionate and see beyond people's façades.
What Disney Princess Are You?
What Were You In Your Past Life?